Wednesday, November 12, 2014

How can we help?

For the past week or so I have been encountering a multitude of instances in which Professors are (in simple terms) being unhelpful and overly demanding. This ranges from poor instruction and a rejection of explaining further to assigning major projects with a day to complete them despite pleads for extensions. Though I realize that such experiences are no strangers to the life as a university student it has gotten me thinking: in a time when teachers are getting more overloaded by work how can we be sure that we are being helpful to students and not just overwhelming them?
I was thinking (I have seen some teachers in high schools do this) that perhaps a survey (ideally anonymous) could be used for students to vocalize their concerns, difficulties, things they enjoy, things they need help on, ect. Though in my imagination I can see this working well, the realistic side of my brain is skeptical (particularly considering the anonymity part, who knows what students would write if they knew their names would not be attached). But how else could a teacher effectively get feedback on if they were being helpful and meeting student's needs?

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